Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Comprehensive Guide to this Week's Conservative Media

Welcome to the second installment of my weekly guide to examples of conservative media coverage. It's a bit late in the week because of work, but I hope you enjoy it.

ABC Hit Piece Embraced by Right Wing
Right wing loaded piece on the Iraq War aired on major news syndicate ABC

Novak's Disparate Treatment
Washington Post columnist Robert Novak gives unequal treatment to two senators in a similar situation

Kristol: 'We're not in a civil war in Iraq'
Bill Kristol denouncing the state of things in Iraq on the Charlie Rose Show

Russert said Murtha Proposal was "Described as 'Slow Bleed'"
On NBC's Meet the Press, Tim Russert attacks Jim Webb on his Iraq opinions with loaded language

NPR's Liasson Inflates John McCain's Character
NPR correspondant Mara Liasson makes large claim about John McCain's already sullied character

Savage to Immigrants: "Go Back to Where You Came From"
A hateful message from Michael Savage

'Condoms Get You Pregnant' from Conservative Writers'
Scientific facts about contraceptives from conservative writers

Hannity Bashes Carbon Offsets while Rupert Murdoch Uses Them
Claims by Sean Hannity fly in the face of Fox News president

Al Gore is "Closest" to Mussolini
Michael Savage lashes out with more hateful diction at Al Gore

Thanks to MediaMatters.org and ThinkProgress for these stories.

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