Saturday, July 7, 2007

Comprehensive Guide to this Week's Conservative Media

Hey everyone, welcome to the first installment of what I hope is to become a weekly list of links documenting a week in the life of conservative media. I hope you enjoy.

MSNBC's Carlson on Obama: "[H]e sounds like a pothead to me"
Tucker Carlson refers to the citizens of Fairfield as croc wearing potheads and asks if Barack Obama "talks between bong hits."

Savage called Media Matters "the homosexual mafia" exposes Michael Savage in yet another outlandish attack, now turning his attention to the progressive media critics at their website.

Washington Talk Radio Station Drops Bill O’Reilly
Political voices in Washington criticized for having a conservative slant and the community's response.

Snow Falsely Claims ‘There Was Not Much Investigation’ Of Clinton’s Pardons
White House correspondant Tony Snow tries to distort the facts and claim the "well Clinton did it too" card.

Right Wing Launches Dishonest, Misinformed Attacks Against Live Earth
Through Fox News, the right tries to launch an attack on the Live Earth environmental awareness concerts...and fails.

Fox News: Universal Health Care Breeds Terrorists
Because anything socialized is derived from the Nazis or the terrorists.

Savage on immigrant students' hunger strike: "[L]et them fast until they starve to death. ... Go make a bomb where you came from"
Another hateful rant from a man without compassion.

MSNBC, Fox News devoted far more time to Edwards' haircuts than to Domenici announcement exposing another slant in "Fair and Balanced News."

Thanks to and Think Progress for these stories.

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